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Showing posts from May, 2020

Covid-19 Lockdown: The working mothers have got a chance to bond with their families.

Image: Kwenzokuhle Trevor Masinga. Mdunge Skhumbuzo Since the inception of Covid-19, many workers are remotely working from home. This new normal has enabled the working mothers to stay at home and bond with their families.  In African culture, the 'married women' are all expected to glow the house and prepare food for their family members. In recent years, all these expected norms have slowly died because most women are currently working in the urban areas. The Covid-19 lockdown has reinstated the conservative family norms. Under lockdown, the mother's aprons are wavering in the kitchens and the garden yards.  Maids cannot replace the position of mothers Most working mothers have employed a maid in their house. These maids are carrying out the household duties that were ordinarily done by mothers. The job opportunities have shifted the norm. Now, working mothers have no time to cook for their families. When it comes to husbands, the touch of the dish cooked by

Kwanyuswa Councilor Injured in A Car Accident.

Facebook Image Mdunge Skhumbuzo The KwaNyuswa councilor, Mthetheleli Sbisi has been injured in a car accident. The accident occurred on Sunday evening in Waterfall. The spokesperson, Bongani Mthombeni said the councilor has suffered minor injuries. " I was shocked when the news came to me. On Sunday evening I got a call that both our councilor and the ward-committee (Lindani Dlamini) were injured in a car accident," Mthombeni said.  Both the counselor and ward-committee were submitted to Hillcrest private hospital. Mthombeni said, while driving in Waterfall, the car rolled out of the road and crashed the entire body. " if anything happens to the councilor it affects the entire community. Mthetheleli Sbisi is doing a tremendous job to provide service delivery," Mthombeni said. On social media, community members have shown their support to wish a speedy recovery. On Facebook, Sakhile Mkhize posted, " I'll like t